Create Websites & Landing pages in minutes

Drag-and-drop tools // create the perfect website // no coding skills required.

Impressively fast! So easy to use.

So much better than Wix and Squarespace and cheaper too!

Got my landing page up in 5 for the price of a coffee 😍

100+ Pre-made templates.

Just choose a template, customize it to fit your brand, and start building your site. Our easy-to-use drag-and-drop builder lets you customize the look and feel of your website with no coding required.


Powerfull Elements


Icons ready to use

Global Colors

& Fonts

With Global Colors & Fonts, you can choose from a selection of professionally designed color palettes and fonts to give your website a unique look and feel.

Free 200+ Color Scheme

Compatible with Google fonts

Upload your own fonts

Modern & up to date layout

Just choose a template, customize it to fit your brand, and start building your site. Our easy-to-use drag-and-drop builder lets you customize the look and feel of your website with no coding required.

Drag & Drop Visual Builder

Just point, click and drag the elements you want onto your page. Easy right?

Drag & Drop Visual Builder

With Senyumi, you'll never have to worry about your website looking great on any device.

Effortless Website Creation in Single Click.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Eunixa Site Builder and how does it work?

Eunixa is an online website builder that allows you to create a website without any coding or design experience. With Eunixa, you can choose a template, customize it to your liking, and publish your website online.

Do you offer a free SSL certificate?

Yes, all our cloud-based plans come with a free SSL certificate included. Security and Privacy are an integral part of our offering so our SSLs make sure the website visitor's traffic is secure and encrypted so nobody that isn't supposed to read it, could.

Are there any hidden fees with Eunixa?

Nope, our pricing is kept extremely simple and fits any budget.

Can I switch my Eunixa plan at any time?

Of course, as your business grows, you can always upgrade to a bigger plan. And if you need to scale back, that's possible too. Switching plans is always possible at the end of your current billing cycle.

Can I switch from the Starter to the Pro plan?

Yes of course, you can switch over at any point during your billing cycle.

Are downgrades possible?

Yes, downgrades from a Pro to a Starter plan are also supported. Note: we will keep all of your content active, but you will no longer be able to edit or access Pro elements and templates. If you need to at some point, you can always upgrade back to Pro again.

What's the difference between Basic CDN and Global CDN?

With the Free Basic CDN you get access to a network of over 20 servers across North America and Europe. The Global CDN adds another 15+ server locations on top of that from (Asia & Oceania, Africa & South America).

Does Eunixa offer customer support?

For the PRO and BUSINESS plan there are support options included. On the STARTER plan users can research our community and website and will likely also find their answer fast!